In February 2011, San Francisco enacted an ordinance, known as the “Existing Commercial Building Energy Performance Ordinance.” This law requires annual ENERGY STAR benchmarking, the public posting of benchmarking data, disclosure to the Department of the Environment as well as energy audits every five years (staggered over a rolling deadline.) These specific provisions were recommended to San Francisco Mayor, Gavin Newsom, by the San Francisco Task Force On Existing Commercial Buildings, which reported its findings at the end of 2009. The ordinance expands on California’s AB 1103 mandate.
Timeline of Annual energy benchmarking with ENERGY STAR and disclosure to the Department of the Environment
April 1, 2011-Buildings greater than 50,000 SF, and annually no later than April 1st.
April 1, 2012– Buildings greater than 10,000 SF, and annually no later than April 1st.
April 1, 2013– Buildings greater than 5,000 SF, and annually no later than April 1st.
*Information provided courtesy of